Scarlet and Violet 151
The famous catch phrase that so many of us have grown up hearing over the years, regrdless of if you are a new or more seasoned collector. Pokemon TCG has been a huge part of many of our lives and this latest release from the Pokemon Company is sure to hit right in the nostalgia for us all. Scarlet and Violet 151 is a throw back to the OG Kanto Pokemon, all the originals back again and all in their unique glory!
So what does this set have to offer us Collectors? Keep reading as we take a deep dive into this set. The 151 Set will feature a total of 165 cards and only comprise of Pokémon first discovered in the Kanto Region. It will also include some trainer cards with rumors being that Professor Oak and Team Rocket’s Leader Giovanni will both be making appearances in this set.
All your favourite Kanto Pokémon are back in this stand alone Kanto Throwback set! From the original starters of Bualbasar, Charmander and Squritle, to Pikachu, Clefairy, Jigglypuff, Snorlax and Eevee!
The set like all others does come with some highly anticipated Chase Cards. These cards include fan favourites like Venusaur EX, Charizard EX, Blastoise EX, Gengar, The Legendary Bird Trio, Dragonite, Mewtwo and Mew. However the most sought after card is the Mew Full Art with its breath taking design that appears to change colour of the background following the movement of the sun on the card, depending on how you hold the card.

There is a limited number of products on offer for this set and unlike other sets there is no booster box, so the only way to get packs to complete this set is through getting products from the list below:
151 Ultra Premium Collection ($225)
16x Booster packs
1x Mew EX promo card
1x Mewtwo EX promo card
151 Elite Trainer Box ($90)
9x Booster packs
1x Snorlax promo card
1x Pack of 65 card sleeves
151 Booster Bundle 6pk ($45)
6x Booster packs
151 Poster Collection ($27)
1x Bulbasaur promo card
1x Charmander promo card
1x Squirtle promo card
3x Booster packs
151 Binder Collection ($45)
1x 20 page 9 slot Binder
4x Booster packs
We cannot wait for this set to hit our store in late September/ early October, so many childhood memories for us and you or Collectors. Be sure to check out our Social feeds for all the latest breaking news around the release of the 151 and place your Pre-Orders now to secure your trip back down memory lane with the Kanto Pokémon.
Happy Collecting!